Saturday, May 1, 2010

Hat Tricks

Today I saw the most amazing thing. A man driving a hot blue convertible turned to look over his shoulder at the hat which had just blown off his head. The hat danced in the air in the middle of a busy intersection and then landed directly in the middle of Holden road.

It was a smart-looking hat. I was sad to think of it getting squished by the mass and velocity of an automobile. But in a gust of air, it slid swiftly across the road and into a storm drain - like a quick and agile hockey player scoring a goal.

I observed all this while waiting at the intersection for the light to change. Once it did, I drove slowly past the storm drain and saw the hat perched just under the curb but going no further. If I hadn't been running late for work, I would have pulled over, retrieved the hat, chased after the man in the hot blue convertible and reunited him with his hat. Instead, I decided that on my way home from work, I would stop to see if the hat was still there. And if it was, I would take it home with me.

I needed to run an errand after work, so I took a different route home. I forgot all about the hat til just now.

Maybe tomorrow.....

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