Thursday, July 2, 2015

Everyday Injustice

One time at Planet Care a woman coming through my checkout line called me a racist.  I was having a bad day.  My cancer treatments were kicking my ass and I was not feeling especially bubbly.
One time at Planet Care, a breastfeeding group was meeting in the community room.  They were, of course, breastfeeding their children while they were meeting.  A man wandered into the community room, ate his lunch and thanked the women for the show.  The women were furious.  I was furious.

One time at Planet Care, I was putting groceries on a shelf when a woman came down the aisle talking on her cell phone.  A man who was already on the aisle yelled at her quite loudly, "Would you mind taking your telephone conversation outside?!  That's just rude and disrespectful!"  The woman looked at me as if I should defend her.  I did nothing.

One time at Planet Care, a customer called one of the employees an ignorant redneck.  Angry words were exchanged between the customer and the employee.  The employee was fired.

One time at Planet Care, a customer made an ugly comment about two same-sex customers kissing. The couple became angry and fought with the insulting customer.  One employee offered to the couple, "I'm sorry you were subjected to that."  Other employees tried to diffuse the situation - one of whom was called a white privileged male and a homophobe by one member of the couple.  The police were called because no one would calm down and leave the store.

I am certain there will be many unjust incidents that occur at Planet Care.  Little injustices occur all the time.  From my perspective, there is no reason to fan the flames of the willfully ignorant participants in these injustices.  For me, it is better to try and love everybody, regardless of how they treat me or how they treat others.  This is a difficult path to take.  But it's what works for me.


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