Thursday, March 5, 2015

Reflections From a Parking Lot

I am in the parking lot at Planet Care a half an hour before needing to clock in for the day. I am hammering out this missive via my portable phone unit.

I came to work this early in order to avoid being late. I am six to eight minutes late 93% of the time. Planet Care does not care for this practice and threatens to fire me from my post there.

I have assisted Planet Care in its money making practices for eight years.  It is hard to believe I have worked there this long and even harder to believe that I am recognized more consistently for the things I do wrong than for the things I do right.

I am not alone. My coworkers express the same sentiment. And I recognize that working conditions in general have deteriorated in America. More work is put on each worker with less time alloted to complete designated tasks. Compensation does not match energy expended.

How did we reach this point in our history? When I hear my elders speak of the way companies used to take care of their people, I feel sad for never really knowing what it feels like to be appreciated for my work.

Ah me. The customers appreciate my work. Because frankly, I kick ass when it comes to customer service. I like making people happy. I just have to remember that corporations aren't people and I won't ever make them happy. They will always demand more.

I feel like I am in an abusive relationsip. Maybe it's time to move out.

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